"Slowly, she approached the bed and looked beneath it. Just as what the letter said, there was the box, covered in dust. She opened it and found more letters for different persons. Confused, she read it one by one.."

PS. Names used are only fictional but the events weren't.
Dear Charlotte,
posted: 8:51 AM | comments: 0
Its been a while since I last wrote a letter, so I think this would be long..

This was quite a strange day first of all, because I feel like it's Sunday even though today is Saturday. Second, I can't explain but there is really this weird feeling inside of me. Anyway, I'm really so happy that I've finished one of the drawings I needed to pass on Monday today, at least I've made a progress and as usual, I shared it to my social sites. But moving on, I've kinda liked this phone that I'm using right now since it had a better camera and I took a lot of pictures. Haha.

Then it was in the middle of the day when my mood flipped. Just a while ago, I was so hyper and energetic and then the next, I was mad and not in a good mood. It was because of my mom. One of the things that I hated is that I don't like anyone to disturb me when I'm in a middle of doing something. And that's what mom did. I am fixing things for my project and an rp I'm admin of when she suddenly told me to helped her get the clothes outside then fold it, and I was like: Seriously, right now? When I'm already concentrated on what I'm doing? But I'm a good girl, so I didn't really said it aloud. Another, she asked me to buy a take out from a restaurant a good 10 minutes away from our house, in the middle of the night. I really wanted to protest but I knew that the surprise visitors are stressing her out so no choice.

So after my big adventure, I came home and ended up setting the table.

But I forget to mention you something. I had a chat with my Bestfriend and I'm really so happy because even though where in the same school, the busy schedules drawing us away from each other. I used the chance and told her everything I hadn't had to say in school. The biggest of all the news is that I think I'm already getting over HIM. These days, I've been thinking about how I'm not feeling any urge to visit his profile or even text him. It's like I'm already happy with the company of my friends that for now, a love life is really unnecessary  And I said all those things to her.

I think this letter had been so long already but before I end this, I just wanna say that I've been practicing my voice all day. Searching how to sing through your diaphragm and something like that, and I'm excited for tomorrow. I'll sing again in the church!!

Sweet Dreams. Sincerely, Ashia.

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Dear Elizabeth,
posted: 9:32 PM | comments: 0
I know this was already a late letter and that I was supposed to send it to you yesterday but my mother forbid me to use the internet the time we got home. *sigh*

So yesterday wasn't a very bad day, thank god. Actually, my morning started happily and ended happily too. I woke up early and because my college entrance exam is drawing near, I decided to use the internet in studying and it was already noon when I've stopped. Nothing extraordinary happened in the morning, it's just that I have a good time studying and learnt that I'm poor in chemistry. Well, I'm not the one to blame either way, my chemistry teacher sucks so poor me. :)

But then during the afternoon, my parents asked me to take a bath already because we're going to mass. Blah, blah, blah. Let me go fast-forward. And so we arrived and you know what, every time I will attend the mass, I always am happy. Like I'm somehow enlightened or what. I don't know. I joked my parents when I approached them to kiss their cheek and said "Hey, did you pray for me". Of course they do, I just want some assurance. After the mass, we ate at this restaurant and they're playing an album of one of the great singers I knew and I joined in. I mean, it's just lately that I've finally knew that I have a great voice so.. you know what I mean.

In the end, my day is pretty normal, at least I've stopped being so dramatic, but still it was a happy one.

Sincerely Ashia ♥

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Dear Cordelia,
posted: 5:04 PM | comments: 0
I don’t know what to say..I know that this is my first letter to you but.. but I can’t hold all these feelings anymore. I wanted to cry but I promised myself that I won’t. Even just for today.My day started out dull.
Yes, my sister is finally away even if it’s only for a day but my friends, they were in school too. From the texts I received from them, I knew that they were happy. They were having fun, while I’m here stuck at home regretting the choice I made, regretting that I didn’t went into that Leadership Training. I can’t take it. I can’t take thinking of what they, and he, did. Just the thought of him having fun with some other girls are killing me. But you know what hurts the most? It’s the fact that I don’t have the right to be sad just because of that. Because there is no “US”, no “Me & Him”. We’re just strangers, not friends, and especially not lovers. We are nothing.

My old friend, who as he said “liked me before”, texted and somehow I’ve released all these feelings to him. I told him of what Will, let’s just call him “Will”, were doing that made me assumed that he liked me too. But the thought of him liking me is impossible. I’m not pretty, nor am I popular. I’m just a speck in the crowd. Nothing more. So why do I kept hoping for that moment that he’ll say that he likes me too? Why? Why am I expecting again? I wanted to slap myself, I wanted to wake myself from that dream, because I know that in the end I’ll be the one who’ll be hurt. I’ll be the one who’ll cry.

But those memories of him smiling at me, noticing me, laughing at my silly joke and staring at me, those things made me think that what if maybe, someday, he’ll say that he likes me too?

I hate these feelings he’s giving me. He’s the reason for my smiles and laughs, but he’s also the same reason for my cries. What is he doing to me? I don’t love him yet, but look at how he could affect me. I’m afraid of the worse things that would happen if I finally fall for him. I’m trying my best to lift myself up from the cliff, but no matter what he does, whether it hurts me or not, and made me loose a little from my grip..

Let’s just call it a day, Cordelia. Good Night.

Sincerely Ashia.

PS. I can’t promise that I won’t cry.

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© tentylers | Images from Reviviscent & weheartit
Letters from Ashia ♥

and the story of her life.